Volume 18, Number 1, Spring 2019
- Editor in Chief Madlen Algafari - Search and you will find
- Deputy Editor Aline LaPierre - Collaboration and Functional Unity
- Managing Editor Antigone Oreopoulou - Research Connection
- Carmen Joanne Ablack - Message from the EABP President
- Christopher Walling - Message from the USABP President
- Barrat Barnaby - Why Research
- Carter - Love as Embodied Medicine
- Young, Grassmann - Towards Body Psychotherapy
- Jokic, Rohricht and Young - A Survey of Body Psychotherapy Practitioners
- Young - About Body Psychotherapy Case Studies
- Bader Johansson - Introduction to Qualitative Research and Grounded Theory
- Schillat - Developing a Research Mind in Body Psychotherapy
- Eldeniz - Body Psychotherapy in Turkey
- Book Review: Walling and Stauffer - The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology
- Book offer - North Atlantic Books
- Authors' Book Review - Zaharieva Virginia
- Mariana Todorova - Webinar Review by Meglena Beneva
- Maurizio Stupiggia - Webinar Review by Meglena Beneva
- A seminar in Florence, Italy - advertisement
- Our Questionnaire - your opinion is important